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Dobrotvorne svrhe

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Doniramo 5% od prodaje svakog primjerka u dobrotvorne svrhe.

Tako smo već uspjeli dati svoju prvu donaciju od 1500 eura u humanitarni program za darivanje djece i mladih iz potrebitih obitelji, dodatnu podršku i pomoć za poboljšanje kvalitete života.

Kupnjom knjige doprinosite pomoći djeci kojima je, zbog obiteljskih prilika, potrebna financijska pomoć u svakodnevnom životu i školovanju.

Srdačno hvala svima.

All calculations and results in the techniques described in the book are examples and are not a guarantee of future results or for all users. Author Martin Korošec, official representatives of the publisher and the company are not financial advisors, stockbrokers or registered investment advisors. All types of investments or named companies or financial instruments are presented for educational purposes only and not for the purpose of recommending a purchase. Consult your chosen licensed advisor before investing.